Cooperative Venture
The EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR TRAINING IN ECONOMIC RESEARCH is a cooperative venture between eight leading European Economics Departments, located in Barcelona (Spain), Brussels (Belgium), London (United Kingdom), Madrid (Spain), Mannheim (Germany), Stockholm (Sweden), Tilburg (the Netherlands) and Toulouse (France).

Training in Economics
Its aim is to foster (internationally competitive) research at highest possible quality, by broadening the base for competent supervision and intensive interaction towards research in Economics. Doctoral students in the programme spend two Semesters in one or two institutions of the network, where they are treated on the same footing as local students. Depending on their previous work, they can take courses and/or pursue their dissertation research under the additional supervision of faculty at the host institution. They thus obtain direct access to a much larger body of faculty with a wide array of research interests, and can develop professional relationships with fellow students that will enable them to immediately become truly European scholars.

Intense Interaction
Each year, ENTER organizes a meeting, the "Jamboree", that allows doctoral students and faculty to present their current research. The Jamboree fosters close links between senior and especially junior researchers pursuing work in similar directions. In an ever-integrating Europe, the faculties of the eight institutions are committed to this program, which helps scholars analyze economic phenomena from a novel, European, perspective.

History of ENTER
During the 1990 World Congress of the Econometric Society in Barcelona, Salvador Barbera, Richard Blundell, Eric van Damme, Jean-Jacques Laffont and Konrad Stahl met to discuss the possibility of creating an exchange of doctoral students between Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, UCL, CentER Tilburg, Université I de Toulouse and the University of Mannheim. All these places were in the process of creating structured Ph.D. programs in Economics. The exchange of students started in 1992, and the first jamboree took place in 1994 in Ladenburg close by Mannheim (Germany).
A couple of years later, ECARE (nowdays ECARES) of ULB joined the club, which was further enlarged with the joint doctoral program of the Stockholm School of Economics and the University of Stockholm in 2003, and reached its present composition in 2007 with the addition of University Carlos III of Madrid.