At Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Presenter: Nicolas Motz (University College London)
Title of presentation: Who emerges from smoke-filled rooms? Political parties and candidate selection

Presenter: Tatyana Zhuravleva (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: Private-public wage differentials: the case of Russian economy

Presenter: Anton-Giulio Manganelli (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: Cartel Pricing Dynamics, Price Wars and Cartel Breakdown

Presenter: Anton van Boxtel (Tilburg University)
Title of presentation: Non-exclusive Credit Market Competition and Firm Liquidity

Presenter: Robert Kirkby (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Title of presentation: The Case for Tax-Adjusted Inflation Targeting

Date TBA
Presenter: Christian Koch (Universität Mannheim)
Title of presentation: The Virtue Ethics Hypothesis: Is there a nexus between virtues and well-being?

At Université Libre de Bruxelles
Presenter: Marie Lalanne (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: he old boy network: gender differences in the impact of social networks on remuneration in top executive jobs

Presenter: Christiane Kneer (Tilburg University)
Title of presentation: The Absorption of Talent into Finance: Evidence from US Branching Deregulation

Presenter: Maria Dubovskaya (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Title of presentation: Housing and wealth: Spain vs US

Presenter: Gyula Seres (Tilburg University)
Title of presentation: Collusion mechanisms in hybrid auctions

Presenter: Francesco Gallio (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Title of presentation: Social capital as trust: A time series foundation of the Italian long term picture, 1861-2011

Presenter: Nikolaos Tsakas (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Title of presentation: Diffusion by Imitation: The Importance of Targeting Agents

Presenter: Ewa Lazarczyk (Stockholm School of Economics)
Title of presentation: Strategic withholding through production failures


At University College London
Presenter: Christoph Breunig (Universität Mannheim)
Title of presentation: Specification testing in nonparametric instrumental quantile regression

Presenter: Francesco Risi (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Title of presentation: Nonparametric Test for the Equality of Conditional Transition Probabilities - with Application to Italian Regional Income Mobility

Presenter: Tong Su (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: Coordination Frictions and Cheap Talk Rating

At Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Presenter: Pamela Campa (Stockholm University)
Title of presentation: Press and Firms Accountability: Evidence from Toxic Emission in the US

Presenter: Larissa Schaefer (Tilburg University)
Title of presentation: Foreigners vs. Natives: Bank Lending Technologies and Loan Pricing

Presenter: Richard Meade (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: Strategic Forward Overbuying as a Counterstrategy against Raising Rivals' Costs

At Universität Mannheim

Presenter: Nicolas Motz (University College London)
Title of presentation: Who emerges from smoke-filled rooms? Political parties and candidate selection

Presenter: Yufeng Huang (Tilburg University)
Title of presentation: Learning by Doing and Consumer Switching Cost

Presenter: Anna Bindler (University College London)
Title of presentation: TBA

Presenter: Nicolas Dupuis (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: The drawbacks of loyalty: a story of switching costs and implicit contracts

At Stockholm School of Economics

Presenter: Rajesh Ramachandran (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Title of presentation: Language Policy and Primary Schooling Attainment

Presenter: Vittorio Bassi (University College London)
Title of presentation: TBA

Presenter: Anett Erdmann (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Title of presentation: Hotelling meets Holmes: The importance of returns to product differentiation and distribution economies for firm's optimal location choice

Presenter: Anil Yildizparlak (Universidad Carlos III Madrid)
Title of presentation: A Contest Success Function Allowing for Ties with an Application to Soccer

At Stockholm University

Presenter: Pia Pinger (Universität Mannheim)
Title of presentation: Instrumental Variable Estimation of the Causal Effect of Hunger Early in Life on Health Later in Life

Presenter: Andreas Bernecker (Universität Mannheim)
Title of presentation: Trial and Error? Policy Experimentation during the US Welfare Reform

At Tilburg University

Presenter: Jieying Hong (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title of presentation: TBA

Presenter: Keke Sun (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Title of presentation: How Venture Capitalist Compensation Affects Investment Decisions

Presenter: Roberto Venturini (Université Libre de Bruxelles - ECARES)
Title of presentation: Cross-functional knowledge integration, Patenting and Firm’s Performance

At Université de Toulouse 1
Presenter: Markus Olapade (Universität Mannheim)
Title of presentation: The Impact of Insurance Literacy Education on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior - A Randomized Controlled Trial

Presenter: Eleni Aristodemou (University College London)
Title of presentation: Modeling demand for horizontally and vertically differentiated products: A partially ordered response model

Presenter: Taneli Makinen (Stockholm School of Economics)
Title of presentation: Permanent Market Freeze in a Decentralized Asset Market

Date: tba
Presenter: Aleksandra Boutin (Université Libre de Bruxelles - ECARES)
Title of presentation: Unintended consequences of independent licensing in patent pools