General description These institutional changes have all gone in the direction of strengthening the connection between research in economics, econometrics and statistics while keeping our commitment to excellence and internationalization. Over the years, ECARES researchers have developed expertise in a number of major fields of economics, in particular: -The evaluation of European integration policies and its dynamics of “deepening” and “widening”, This research activity has given ECARES international visibility and reputation : in September 2004, the European Wall Street Journal was mentioning ECARES in a short list of seven European centres of excellence that were resisting the brain drain to the more attractive US universities. In close connection to this research, ECARES has developed an important doctoral activity, with the creation of a Doctoral School that attracts many first-class European and Non-European students. ECARES has also received a substantial number of EU-financed "Training and Mobility of Researchers" grants, and participate in several networks in the "Research Training Network" programme. Its members are also particularly active in CEPR, as Research Director, Programme Directors, Research Fellows or Research Affiliates. Members of ECARES have moreover been serving on the Council of the European Economic Association (EEA) or the Council of the Econometric Society. They have organized major international events, such as a Nobel Symposium, two annual meetings of the EEA, and a World Congress of the Econometric Society. For more Information |