General description
The International Doctorate in Economic Analysis (IDEA) is a highly competitive international Ph.D. program in Economics. Launched in 1991-1992, IDEA was the first graduate program in Southern Europe drawing on the Anglo-Saxon tradition of two years coursework, with a supervised master thesis and a further two or three years devoted to a PhD thesis.

/IDEA/ is a truly international program, in terms of vocation, faculty and students. The instructional language is English with students arriving from countries worldwide. Our student support system provides help, advice, and individual support at all stages of the program, starting from the application process, going through coursework and thesis development and finishing with graduation and professional placement. IDEA’s faculty is drawn from members of both the /Economics Department /of the UAB/ /and the/ //Institute of Economic Analysis/ (CSIC). With more than 60 faculty members we cover all research areas in Economics and form one of the strongest research groups in Economics in Europe.

We are proud that IDEA has succeeded in maintaining its exceptional standards over the years, receiving awards and gaining recognition worlwide. International rankings have been placing IDEA as one of the top doctoral programs in Economics in Europe. Among other international recognition, IDEA was designated as group of excellence by the /European Commission’s Program in Human Capital and Mobility/, as well as by its /Training and Mobility of Researchers Program/. More recently, the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) has included the IDEA program as a member of the Excellence Group in the CHE 2009 ranking within the field of Economics.

For more Information
IDEA (International Doctorate in Economic Analysis)
Departament d'Economia i d'Història
 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Edifici B - Campus de la Autònoma

08193 Bellaterra Barcelona
phone: +34-93-581 13 59
fax: +34-93-581 20 12